Wednesday, February 11, 2009

oh, grrrrr!!!!!!!!!

Grrr!!! i am so angry right now. So as you probably know, i am a social work major. in about a year, i will have a BSW and will be working as a social worker. but right now i am very upset that I, Randi Morrison, am a victim of our Medicaid system. on april 27, 2009, i will turn 21 years old. i have been on medicaid for as long as i can remember becuase of my mama. however, even though i am a college student, even though i am unemployed, and am declared "independent," i cannot receive any help from the government after i turn 21! All i can get is "family planning"...aka: birth control. i can't go see a regular doctor, i can't go to the hospital, i can't have surgeries, etc b/c i will not long be on medicaid. i will be one of the millions of uninsured people in the US! I am VERY upset over this. i can't even tell you how screwed up our medicaid system is! first of all, if you're over 21, you have to have a child in the house or be pregnant. or you can be 65 or older or disabled. that is the ONLY way to get medicaid as an "adult." and something's like my caseworker said...either you have the ppl that are sitting at home unemployed doing their own thing all day and they receive medicaid OR you have those who are out trying to work and support their family, and they make $2 too much to receive assistance! I just don't understand why our system is so screwed up. maybe that's what i'll pour my life's work into as a social worker.

now let me say that after talking with a friend, i fould out that i could get insurance through ASU, but it's still $257/quarter! that's not a whole lot, but there are also co-pays, etc. and remember...i am unemployed. i mean, i'm sure that i could budget my financial aid to cover it, but i basically have no savings anymore and i've already got all of my aid budgeted until september. and i hate to ask my grandparents to pay for it b/c their own insurance is ridiculously expensive. this drives me'd never believe yesterday was one of the best days in a really really long time would you?! but it was, and my mood is still very "up" even though i am slightly upset over this whole thing. i will keep you updated.

God is good all the time.


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